Testimonial Allegonda

I am Allegonda Nagel, 51 years old, and a mother of three children. Together with my husband, we have been running a successful facade renovation company for 15 years, now with an average of 40 to 45 employees. Additionally, I am a massage therapist in my own home-based practice, which I have been doing for nearly 6 years. In my practice, I mainly focus on addressing deep issues in connective tissue. I use my hands, special tools, and light therapy for this purpose. I combine all of this with dietary and lifestyle advice, as well as supplement recommendations. The combination of these factors is very powerful and results in rapid recovery. It's truly fulfilling work.

At the age of 42, I decided to make a career change. I began by studying sports massage, followed by many other courses. In 2018, I traveled to Los Angeles to learn special connective tissue massage techniques at the ASTR Institute. I incorporate these methods into almost every treatment, as problems often reside deep in the connective tissue, making it easier to resolve them.

I have been working with Beyuna for over 2 years now. It has been a wonderful addition and transformation in my practice, not only because I see clients recovering, but also because I have personally grown.

So, how did I come across Beyuna? Gerianne, also a distributor at Beyuna, came to my practice for a massage treatment. After the treatment, I gave her a jar of magnesium, thinking it was the right choice. About a year and a half later, Gerianne returned with that same jar of magnesium and wanted to tell me what was actually wrong with it. She had come into contact with Beyuna and felt that she needed to share it with me. After her story, it felt like the ground was shifting beneath me. I, who was always focused on nutrition and health and always wanted to help others, unintentionally turned out to be selling supplements that could be harmful. I needed some time to let this sink in, and the following week, I was quite shaken. At the next opportunity, I attended a presentation in Surhuisterveen with Gerianne. Although I initially wanted to defend my own products, I soon let that go. After that evening, I was super enthusiastic and could hardly sleep because of all the information I had received. At that moment, I immediately decided that I had to work with Beyuna and be a part of this.

In my practice, I immediately discarded all my other supplements. I couldn't bear to sell something that could potentially harm people. Just over 6 months later, I reached the position of Jupiter. My motivation was that if Gerianne could become a Jupiter in 7 months, I could do it too. I followed all the good advice from her and other colleagues and quickly rose to the highest position.

The interesting thing is that Gerianne started with €250 and grew by bringing in people, while I grew by selling products. The wonderful thing is that there are various ways to grow with Beyuna. My goal this year is to bring in 5 people and provide them with good guidance because I see the power in that. Proper coaching of someone leads to growth in your team. My short-term goal is to reach 10,000 PGV, and my long-term goal is to earn €10,000 per month. After that, I will reevaluate my goals. When I achieve that, I can introduce people to Beyuna even faster and easier, so they can recover, get excited, and start with Beyuna themselves. Nowadays, it's essential to proactively manage your health if you want to stay healthy as you age. My mission is to raise awareness about this.

I see many similarities between our own business and Beyuna, such as hard work, good earnings, a positive atmosphere, mutual support, fun parties for employees, growth opportunities, and the pride of where you work and what you do. I am very happy that I work with Beyuna, and Beyuna works for me too. The past 2 years have been among the happiest of my life, especially because of my personal growth and the colleagues around me. I'm now doing things I never dreamed I would do. For this, I want to thank Paul because he constantly encourages me to take steps forward.

Here are some tips that I can give, which are often mentioned as well:

  1. Keep going, truly. You might occasionally think it won't work, but believe in your own strength and don't be discouraged by setbacks or the lack of immediate enthusiasm from others.

  2. Take your partner to a presentation and let them hear the story. This worked really well for me.

  3. Make sure you get the information quickly and attend as many presentations as possible.

  4. Become a member of the Academy. Since I joined the Academy, I have grown enormously. You get good coaching, tips, and tricks there. At first, I found it challenging to take Monday mornings off, but now I truly see the added value and wouldn't want to miss it anymore.